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Your earliest reaction writing came when you produced your first book report in elementary school, and it included a couple of sentences at the end of the report that started with, “I liked the book because………..” You have been writing reaction essays ever since they were just not called that. And now that you are in college, the reaction paper is much more complex and will include far more than whether you liked or disliked something you have read or viewed.
Now, you must respond in a scholarly way, and your piece of writing will usually be responding to the arguments or theme of an author, playwright, or screenwriter. In some cases, your reaction paper may involve reaction to an object, such as a painting, and in these instances, you will pull more from emotions and speak to the impact of that painting upon your feelings, your sense of design, and upon what you believe the artist was trying to say.
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You cannot begin to write a reaction essay or paper until you have read or viewed the subject of that writing at least 2-3 times - the first time for overall impression, the second and perhaps third to take notes and catch was you did not the first time. Try to list the points the creator of the piece has made. In some instances, especially in the case of movies, you may have been asked to address very specific things, most of the time you will be reacting to the entire piece. And that’s where the structural issues can bog you down.
If you are having a tough time with a reaction paper, you are not alone. The can be a real challenge to produce. Fortunately, you have Essays Deluxe ready to step in – with an exceptionally gifted writer who knows the subject of your paper really well.
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